You are officially 15 months old today! Time surely needs to slow down just a little. You have grown so much this last month developmentally to me. You continue to amaze your Daddy and I at things you understand, can say, and do. We took you to sit in Santas lap today. We started out at Bass Pro Shops for a free photo just to see how you would do. You walked to within 3 feet of him, stopped and wanted to turn around, but I picked you up and put you in Santas lap. You gave a quick glance to him and turned to the camera. No smiles, no nothing. You sat as still as you you were scared to death to move. We then went to the mall a few hours later and thought you may do better...not so much. You sat as still as possible, again no smiles. Oh well, at least you didn't smile. And don't worry, You've been a good girl this year, so I'm sure Santa is going to show up. Last year we went shopping on your December 3 month birthday, and again this year we did the same. I think that will be our new tradition to go on a family outing to finish our Christmas shopping on December 9 every year. We had a very enjoyable family day!
You are EVERYWHERE. You like to cuddle when you first wake up for about 20-30 minutes while you drink a glass of milk. Then, you want down and the moving begins. You are in to everything. You touch everything in the house at least once on any given day. You travel from room to room as if you have no fear of going anywhere alone. I constantly have to chase you down to watch you because you are a sneaky little princess! Your newest adventure is climbing. Oh my...tears my nerves up. You have learned that you can climb into one of the shorter chairs in the den and then onto the couch. You now like to jump and run around on the couch and think it is a game to do so. You just laugh. It's cute as long as we are standing there. I'll pat the cushion for you to sit down, and you'll bend over, pat it and start running again.
You can now say MOMMY! and DADDY! For the longest it was Mama and Dada, which was fine, we LOVED it, but it has now developed into the actual MOMMY and DADDY....and WE LOVE THAT MORE! I didn't want to be Mom or Mama...I wanted you to call us Mommy and Daddy and you do!!!! It's so sweet! You'll come up to us and say, Mommy or Daddy and it just melts our hearts. You can also say "Ba" for sheep and although we call your paci a Doodle Bug you call it a "ba" as well. We think you are trying to say "bug" and it just comes out "ba." Regardless, when we refer to it as a Doodlebug you know exactly what we are talking about and reply "ba" in return. You can say purple, Ali, shoe (which is probably your favorite word), no no, uh oh, pea, tee tee, puppy, water, "ring ring" for the phone, "re re" for read, "teet teet" for a bird, deer which usually comes out dea, and you can say Jesus. ADORABLE! Of course, if you are in a mood not to say any one of these words at any given time, you don't. You are stubborn and if we try to get you to say one of them in front of people, sometimes you like to make us out to be fibbers and you will hold your tongue. Silly girl!
You still sleep with us at night. We get some funny looks from people about this, but we love it and it doesn't bother us. You go to bed between 8:30 and 9, wake up around 8-8:30, which is between 11-12 hours of sleep for you and at least 9-10 hours of sleep for us, so we don't mind you being in the bed with us one bit! The way we see it, one day you will not want to sleep and cuddle with us, so we are soaking up all we can now.
You still take one nap a day. I have started putting you to bed between 1 and 1:30 now so you are up around 4 and go to bed early. If you sleep much past 4, you tend to want to be awake until 10 or later and that's not an option...unless it's a special occassion!
You love to be outside to run and play. You are all over the yard.
Your favorite books right now are Go Dog Go, and several of your Christmas books. You LOVE to read. In fact, we spend 3/4 of our day reading. You come up with a book, say "re re" and we read. I love the fact that you like to read and hope that continues.
You are amazed at all the trees and lights. When we turn on the trees each night, your eyes just light up and you smile so big. Everyone told me last year there is no way I'd have 7 trees this year and have all my decorations up...well, I"ve proved them all wrong. Everything I normally put out is out....even the china set on the dining room table. YOU HAVE DONE GREAT with everything. You take an ornament off the tree here and there but nothing major. The only decoration you haven't done so great with are the presents. You think you can unwrap them the second I put them under the tree. I tried for over a week to work with you on this, but didn't succeed so the presents are now piled on the guest room bed.
You love to pull open drawers and play in them. Your favorite is my underwear drawer. You can open it by yourself and will walk out of our room with bras and undies around your neck. Silly girl. One day, you got quiet and I found you in your room, having emptied ALL of your dresser drawers. If only you could pick up your messes.
You are a wonderful eater. The only thing so far you haven't been fond of us mashed potatoes. You will eat a few bites of them and then you are done. I'd say your favorite fruit is kiwi, favorite food would be pork chops or BBQ, baked beans, and bananas.
We still go to music one day a week. You are doing great. I love seeing you learn new things in there and interact with the teacher and other kids there. Music is just an all around good way to learn. Usually our treat after music on Thursdays is to take a little lunch trip to Chic-Fil-A. We aren't huge fast food eaters, but you love CFA!
Your favorite toys right now are your dancing dog, snowmen, and your Little People nativity. You wear the batteries out of them and love talking to your nativity set. You move the little people around just like you know what they are doing. TOO SWEET!
You love to play my piano. You love to chase Lulu and Elsa. I have to keep them up most of the time because until you learn to back off, I'm just not confident either of you wouldn't make the other aggravated.
You have learned to flush the toilet and do so about 10 times a day, even when not needed. When we go to the bathroom now, you say "te te." I"m thinking that after Christmas, we may begin trying to get you interested in potty training.
You love bath time. You play, and play, and play. You love having your teeth brushed.
You never cry unless you are just overly tired or overly hungry. Can't blame you for either one. And if you don't want to do something, you let it be known.
We do pop your hand for certain things. We don't believe in yelling no for every little thing you shouldn't do. You know what you are allowed and are not allowed to do. When we do have to resort to popping your hand, we tell you 2 times. On the second time, we pop our hand. Usually that's as far as it has to go. You know on the 3rd time, your hand is getting fried. You actually have gotten to wear on the 2nd time, you pop your own hand and that's the end of it. It's actually quite funny.
You still hate pictures. Well, posed pictures. If we capture candid pics of you, you usually will smile. But if we do posed pictures, you stare at the camera, no smiles at all.
You are our pride and joy. Life was so boring without you. I am so blessed to be your Mommy and your Daddy is blessed to be your Daddy. We love you with our whole heart. I am so blessed to be able to stay home with you. I just can't imagine it any other way. You are a Mommy's girl and I'm so glad for that.
We love you our princess!
We cannot thank God enough for making us your Mommy and Daddy! We love you more than words can describe. We are excited to see all that your life has in store for you! We hope to capture and remember each detail of your life through this blog so that you will know how special you are to us and can always remember your childhood!
Monday, December 10, 2012
Saturday, September 1, 2012
First Birthday In Walhalla-September 1, 2012
In one week and one day, you will be a year old! We decided to have 2 parties for you, one in Walhalla and then one at our house the day before your birthday.
Your cousin Harper has a birthday 2 weeks before you, so we combined together and had one joint party for you and Harper at Great-Grans house. We also had a little cake time at your Great-Grandma and Great-Papas house too!
On Saturday for lunch, we grilled hamburgers and hotdogs at Great-Grans. You had such a good time opening your presents! You would stick your head down in the bag like you knew something was in there for you! And then you'd pull out whatever it was and be done. So much for stopping to reflect on what you got! After presents we had cake. I didn't want you to have a big cake until your actual party, so you had a piece of the smash cake shared with Harper. You LOVED it. You had cake everywhere and did not hold back one bit from diving right in for a piece. After your piece of cake was gone you even licked the plate! Needless to say, bathtime was in order after you got done!
Later in the afternoon Saturday, we went to visit Great-Grandma and Great-Papa. We had cake over at their house as well and of course you thought you were something that you got 2 pieces in one day! I'm sure you wonder why we held back from all this good food until you were a year old!
We had such a good day with family celebrating your birthday a week early. We don't get to see your Walhalla family near as much as I would like so when we go our time is precious!
One more week before the big O-N-E!
We love you to the moon and back and all the stars inbetween!
Your cousin Harper has a birthday 2 weeks before you, so we combined together and had one joint party for you and Harper at Great-Grans house. We also had a little cake time at your Great-Grandma and Great-Papas house too!
On Saturday for lunch, we grilled hamburgers and hotdogs at Great-Grans. You had such a good time opening your presents! You would stick your head down in the bag like you knew something was in there for you! And then you'd pull out whatever it was and be done. So much for stopping to reflect on what you got! After presents we had cake. I didn't want you to have a big cake until your actual party, so you had a piece of the smash cake shared with Harper. You LOVED it. You had cake everywhere and did not hold back one bit from diving right in for a piece. After your piece of cake was gone you even licked the plate! Needless to say, bathtime was in order after you got done!
Later in the afternoon Saturday, we went to visit Great-Grandma and Great-Papa. We had cake over at their house as well and of course you thought you were something that you got 2 pieces in one day! I'm sure you wonder why we held back from all this good food until you were a year old!
We had such a good day with family celebrating your birthday a week early. We don't get to see your Walhalla family near as much as I would like so when we go our time is precious!
One more week before the big O-N-E!
We love you to the moon and back and all the stars inbetween!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
11 Months Old-August 9, 2012
I cannot believe you are 11 months old today! Where has the time is flying by and I wish it would slow down just a little. With that said, I am so thankful that you are growing and developing as you should and could not ask for a better little girl! You are, well, just PERFECT!!!
This past mont has been busy! We had a great trip to Walhalla to visit family, another 3 day work trip with Daddy, which was anything slight of miserable. You were tired from being gone 2 weeks to Walhalla, we were cramped in a nasty hotel room, so needless to say, I called your Daddy, got him out of a meeting and we left a day earlier than we were originally supposed to. After a few days at home, you were a much happier baby!
You have gotten so much busier this month! Whew! You are more in to everything than you were before if that's possible. Your favorite thing to do is pull all of my socks and underwear out of my drawer and pile them in the floor. Yes, I could close the drawer and save myself some time, but it's just too cute watching you crawl as fast as you can in there and start your destruction! You think it's funny to make us chase you. You'll take off and then turn around to see if we are coming! Too cute! You LOVE going into your bedroom and playing in your closet. You will pull every stitch of clothing out of the little hang up thing in there, pull off all the hangers with nothing on them, thus, creating another mess for me to clean up!
You are eating more "whole" foods. I still won't give you meats, but pretty much all your vegetables and fruits are in chunks that I make myself. You do quite well with them. It is so much easier to take you out to eat now because I only have to carry one jar of meat baby food (YUK!) and then I can order stuff for you to eat or you can eat veggies of mine or Daddy's plate.
You graduated to your convertible car seat this month! I'm not so sure you are a fan of it. The sides are higher, making it a little harder for you to see out and you are too nosey to be confined without a view!
You are still only saying 3 words, mama, dada and bye bye. You will wave at people when you feel like it. Most times, it's when we are away from them, you decide you would like to be polite. You don't pitch fits much unless you are overly hungry or tired.
You LOVE LOVE bathtime still. You play until your skin is schriveled up!
Your favorite daytime activity is reading. Whether I am reading to you or you are reading to yourself, you love books. You are constantly pulling more out of your toy box and flipping through them. I hope this trend continues because I love to read, although it's been over a year since I completed a whole book...wonder why?
You are still sleeping 11-12 hours at night...yes, you are still in the bed with Daddy in I, right in the middle, but I refuse to let you cry it out. I just can't take it. You wake up every 30 minutes when we put you in your crib, whether for naptime, or bedtime, and I'm sorry, but I like my sleep too much to be getting up all night with a fussy baby. So, sleeping with us is what works for us and we aren't concerned with it. Eventually we'll move you when we think you're ready, but getting a GOOD night sleep is more important to us!
You have dwindled down to one nap a day. When you were taking 2 naps a day, it was a late morning nap for about an hour, thus you wouldn't go down for an afternoon nap until late and then want to sleep 2 hours. Sometimes it was after 5 getting up and then you'd be up until 10-11. Not happening...around 9pm starts my Mommy time! I devote over 12 hours a day to you and well, at 9pm, I want a little time to do what I'd like to do for the day! So, I keep you awake now until after lunch, you eat, go down for a nap around 1 and sleep until 3:30-4. I usually don't let you sleep past 4-4:30 because that just means you're later going to bed. Yes, I don't mess with naps and bedtime, and yes, I'm picky over it. If you are off a day on your naps or we aren't home for them, I don't wig out, we're back on track the next day.
You have developed quite an attitude....yes, you have. I forsee a few pops in your future when you actually know what they are. I took a toy away from you the other day and well, you came up to me and bit me. Yes, bit me, as in left your 2 little bottom teeth marks in my arm. I was so stunned. Next time, I will pop your hands and/or bite you back. Beware!
Also this month, I started your birthday planning. I only have a few more projects to complete and I will be completely done! I'm so excited. I think it's going to be so precious and not rushing time, but I can't wait!
On your 11 month birthday, you cut your 3rd bottom tooth! I'm convinced you have no top teeth and will just have gums up there the rest of your life. I also started weaning you from nursing on your 11 month birthday. I'm done with it, I did it a year and it's a part of life that I"m looking forward to not doing any more. I know it was healthier for you, but I'm not one of these people that's been overly passionate about it. I basically did it because of your benefit and it's cheap and I like cheap!
And the big story of took your first STEPS!!!! We've been working with you and you haven't been the least bit interested but today, I set up the ipad in the recliner and turned on "Small Potatoes" and then stood you up at the coffee table and you took 6 steps to get to the ipad. You don't watch a lot of TV or shows, infact, after 30 minutes in the morning, the TV stays off the rest of the day until Daddy comes home, but you love the little small potato clips. I"m so glad I was able to get your first steps on video!!! Here's to you walking by 1 year!
You are our pride and joy, our everything! We love you to the moon and back and all the stars inbetween our princess!
This past mont has been busy! We had a great trip to Walhalla to visit family, another 3 day work trip with Daddy, which was anything slight of miserable. You were tired from being gone 2 weeks to Walhalla, we were cramped in a nasty hotel room, so needless to say, I called your Daddy, got him out of a meeting and we left a day earlier than we were originally supposed to. After a few days at home, you were a much happier baby!
You have gotten so much busier this month! Whew! You are more in to everything than you were before if that's possible. Your favorite thing to do is pull all of my socks and underwear out of my drawer and pile them in the floor. Yes, I could close the drawer and save myself some time, but it's just too cute watching you crawl as fast as you can in there and start your destruction! You think it's funny to make us chase you. You'll take off and then turn around to see if we are coming! Too cute! You LOVE going into your bedroom and playing in your closet. You will pull every stitch of clothing out of the little hang up thing in there, pull off all the hangers with nothing on them, thus, creating another mess for me to clean up!
You are eating more "whole" foods. I still won't give you meats, but pretty much all your vegetables and fruits are in chunks that I make myself. You do quite well with them. It is so much easier to take you out to eat now because I only have to carry one jar of meat baby food (YUK!) and then I can order stuff for you to eat or you can eat veggies of mine or Daddy's plate.
You graduated to your convertible car seat this month! I'm not so sure you are a fan of it. The sides are higher, making it a little harder for you to see out and you are too nosey to be confined without a view!
You are still only saying 3 words, mama, dada and bye bye. You will wave at people when you feel like it. Most times, it's when we are away from them, you decide you would like to be polite. You don't pitch fits much unless you are overly hungry or tired.
You LOVE LOVE bathtime still. You play until your skin is schriveled up!
Your favorite daytime activity is reading. Whether I am reading to you or you are reading to yourself, you love books. You are constantly pulling more out of your toy box and flipping through them. I hope this trend continues because I love to read, although it's been over a year since I completed a whole book...wonder why?
You are still sleeping 11-12 hours at night...yes, you are still in the bed with Daddy in I, right in the middle, but I refuse to let you cry it out. I just can't take it. You wake up every 30 minutes when we put you in your crib, whether for naptime, or bedtime, and I'm sorry, but I like my sleep too much to be getting up all night with a fussy baby. So, sleeping with us is what works for us and we aren't concerned with it. Eventually we'll move you when we think you're ready, but getting a GOOD night sleep is more important to us!
You have dwindled down to one nap a day. When you were taking 2 naps a day, it was a late morning nap for about an hour, thus you wouldn't go down for an afternoon nap until late and then want to sleep 2 hours. Sometimes it was after 5 getting up and then you'd be up until 10-11. Not happening...around 9pm starts my Mommy time! I devote over 12 hours a day to you and well, at 9pm, I want a little time to do what I'd like to do for the day! So, I keep you awake now until after lunch, you eat, go down for a nap around 1 and sleep until 3:30-4. I usually don't let you sleep past 4-4:30 because that just means you're later going to bed. Yes, I don't mess with naps and bedtime, and yes, I'm picky over it. If you are off a day on your naps or we aren't home for them, I don't wig out, we're back on track the next day.
You have developed quite an attitude....yes, you have. I forsee a few pops in your future when you actually know what they are. I took a toy away from you the other day and well, you came up to me and bit me. Yes, bit me, as in left your 2 little bottom teeth marks in my arm. I was so stunned. Next time, I will pop your hands and/or bite you back. Beware!
Also this month, I started your birthday planning. I only have a few more projects to complete and I will be completely done! I'm so excited. I think it's going to be so precious and not rushing time, but I can't wait!
On your 11 month birthday, you cut your 3rd bottom tooth! I'm convinced you have no top teeth and will just have gums up there the rest of your life. I also started weaning you from nursing on your 11 month birthday. I'm done with it, I did it a year and it's a part of life that I"m looking forward to not doing any more. I know it was healthier for you, but I'm not one of these people that's been overly passionate about it. I basically did it because of your benefit and it's cheap and I like cheap!
And the big story of took your first STEPS!!!! We've been working with you and you haven't been the least bit interested but today, I set up the ipad in the recliner and turned on "Small Potatoes" and then stood you up at the coffee table and you took 6 steps to get to the ipad. You don't watch a lot of TV or shows, infact, after 30 minutes in the morning, the TV stays off the rest of the day until Daddy comes home, but you love the little small potato clips. I"m so glad I was able to get your first steps on video!!! Here's to you walking by 1 year!
You are our pride and joy, our everything! We love you to the moon and back and all the stars inbetween our princess!
Monday, July 9, 2012
10 Months Old-July 9, 2012
Another month has come and gone!
Happy 10 months baby girl! As predicted, you have taken off even more this month! You are still crawling and into everything!!! I have to watch you even more closely now!
You have started turning those babbles into words. You will now wave and say bye bye. I didn't really want that to be your first word but we'll take it I guess. I didn't have much control over that.
You still wave to yourself, clap when you do things or you hear someone say "yay." You are still pulling up to everything. Your favorite thing to pull up on this month is the piano. You will sit there and play until your legs have to be tired. It is so precious! I hope that you will love music as much as I do and will learn to play the piano one day.
You are not very fond of your bouncy or walker anymore! I know you think they keep you too contained and you are too much of a big girl for that now! You will still get in your walker when I'm cooking dinner, but you prefer to just pull up on the side of it and your bouncy and play with the toys that way.
You have discovered the bathroom off of our den. I have to now keep the door closed because you immediately go in there and try to move the curtain to pull up on the tub or toilet....gross!
You haven't grasped the concept of no no and so we just don't say it much. It REALLY bothers me when we are around people and they are constantly telling you no no for doing things. You will learn but I've read in several places where constantly saying no no isn't the way to do it. Trust me, you'll be a disciplined child, I assure you of that because it bothers me when kids are not, but constantly fussing isn't going to be our method, or anyone elses with you for that matter.
You moved from your infant car seat to a convertible car seat this month! There was a place having a really good sale on them and I decided you were probably ready. It was a bitter sweet day taking your infant carrier out of the car! You look like such a big girl in your new ride!
You are now saying "mama" when you want me, mainly at night when you're ready for bed or you are cranky before nap time. You'll say "mamamama" and come crawling my way. PRECIOUS! Melts my heart in all ways!
We went with Daddy to Charleston for a work trip at the end of June. You did great! You were totally off your schedule, but you slept like a champ at night, despite being up until 11 each night and not getting a full nap each day.
You still sleep with us at night. I know it's time to move you to your own bed, I know you are going to fuss, but I just can't do it yet. I love waking up in the middle of the night snuggling with you and having you wake up beside me each morning. Some of my favorite moments. I have it in my head that you will be in your crib by a year I better get moving!
We took you to the pool for the first time this month. We have been twice. The first time you were not so fond of it. You didn't want me to put you in your float or little boat. It was a little chilly so I think that played in to the factors. I know you will be a little fish one day and it will just take a little coaxing. You were fine as long as Daddy or I were holding you. The second time we went, the water was warmer and you did much better! You floated around in your float from Cak and splashed around. I am going to try to find somewhere to put you in swim lessons next summer!
We also have been to the beach just about every Friday the month of June. You LOVE the sand. I mean, LOVE IT! You don't eat it was much as you once did the first time we took you. But you will dig your hands all in it. And you have no fear of crawling from under the umbrella straight down into the water. Everyone on the beach just thinks you are precious in your tutu bathing suit and well, Daddy and I don't deny it! You are just adorable! We have so much fun taking you, aside from having sand everywhere when we leave!
We left on your first July 4th to head to Walhalla to visit for 12 days. I love how we don't see my family but once every six weeks yet, you immediately smile and reach for them when we arrive. I hate that we don't live closer, but we spend good quality time together when we are together!
Since pulling up on everything, you haven't showed any signs of wanting to walk on your own or stand up unattended, however, on your 10 month birthday, you did let go and stand for about 20 seconds by yourself. I know walking is coming and I must say, I welcome it. I hate being out places and you want to be down and I refuse to let you because you aren't going to crawl on the nasty floor!
We love you to the moon and back baby girl!
Happy 10 months baby girl! As predicted, you have taken off even more this month! You are still crawling and into everything!!! I have to watch you even more closely now!
You have started turning those babbles into words. You will now wave and say bye bye. I didn't really want that to be your first word but we'll take it I guess. I didn't have much control over that.
You still wave to yourself, clap when you do things or you hear someone say "yay." You are still pulling up to everything. Your favorite thing to pull up on this month is the piano. You will sit there and play until your legs have to be tired. It is so precious! I hope that you will love music as much as I do and will learn to play the piano one day.
You are not very fond of your bouncy or walker anymore! I know you think they keep you too contained and you are too much of a big girl for that now! You will still get in your walker when I'm cooking dinner, but you prefer to just pull up on the side of it and your bouncy and play with the toys that way.
You have discovered the bathroom off of our den. I have to now keep the door closed because you immediately go in there and try to move the curtain to pull up on the tub or toilet....gross!
You haven't grasped the concept of no no and so we just don't say it much. It REALLY bothers me when we are around people and they are constantly telling you no no for doing things. You will learn but I've read in several places where constantly saying no no isn't the way to do it. Trust me, you'll be a disciplined child, I assure you of that because it bothers me when kids are not, but constantly fussing isn't going to be our method, or anyone elses with you for that matter.
You moved from your infant car seat to a convertible car seat this month! There was a place having a really good sale on them and I decided you were probably ready. It was a bitter sweet day taking your infant carrier out of the car! You look like such a big girl in your new ride!
You are now saying "mama" when you want me, mainly at night when you're ready for bed or you are cranky before nap time. You'll say "mamamama" and come crawling my way. PRECIOUS! Melts my heart in all ways!
We went with Daddy to Charleston for a work trip at the end of June. You did great! You were totally off your schedule, but you slept like a champ at night, despite being up until 11 each night and not getting a full nap each day.
You still sleep with us at night. I know it's time to move you to your own bed, I know you are going to fuss, but I just can't do it yet. I love waking up in the middle of the night snuggling with you and having you wake up beside me each morning. Some of my favorite moments. I have it in my head that you will be in your crib by a year I better get moving!
We took you to the pool for the first time this month. We have been twice. The first time you were not so fond of it. You didn't want me to put you in your float or little boat. It was a little chilly so I think that played in to the factors. I know you will be a little fish one day and it will just take a little coaxing. You were fine as long as Daddy or I were holding you. The second time we went, the water was warmer and you did much better! You floated around in your float from Cak and splashed around. I am going to try to find somewhere to put you in swim lessons next summer!
We also have been to the beach just about every Friday the month of June. You LOVE the sand. I mean, LOVE IT! You don't eat it was much as you once did the first time we took you. But you will dig your hands all in it. And you have no fear of crawling from under the umbrella straight down into the water. Everyone on the beach just thinks you are precious in your tutu bathing suit and well, Daddy and I don't deny it! You are just adorable! We have so much fun taking you, aside from having sand everywhere when we leave!
We left on your first July 4th to head to Walhalla to visit for 12 days. I love how we don't see my family but once every six weeks yet, you immediately smile and reach for them when we arrive. I hate that we don't live closer, but we spend good quality time together when we are together!
Since pulling up on everything, you haven't showed any signs of wanting to walk on your own or stand up unattended, however, on your 10 month birthday, you did let go and stand for about 20 seconds by yourself. I know walking is coming and I must say, I welcome it. I hate being out places and you want to be down and I refuse to let you because you aren't going to crawl on the nasty floor!
We love you to the moon and back baby girl!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
9 Months Old-June 9, 2012
Another month has past and you are now three quarters of a year old! Where is the time going?
HIGHLIGHT of this said MAMA!!! We went with Daddy on a school trip to Clemson for the state FFA convention June 5-8. Your Daddy has caught you trying to say mama a few times but I havne't heard it. Anyway, I put you in your high chair for lunch at Tiger Town Tavern, and you said...mamamama. AHHH!!! YAY! Finally and it was so worth the wait. Music to my ears!
This month has been a big month for you! I celebrated my first Mother's Day on May 12. You and Daddy treated me like a queen! We spent all day at the beach on Saturday. My present was a new hammock for us to enjoy in the yard in the evenings! Although I am sure you will not be still long enough to stay in it long.
On Sunday morning, Mother's Day, we got up and you and Daddy brought me breakfast and you gave me another gift....a Mom charm for my charm bracelet and a card with your hand print and foot print inside! So sweet! I am so honored to be your Mommy and you are truly turning in to a Mommy's girl! You want me when you feel bad, when you're ready to go to sleep and I LOVE that!
This month you decided you were finally ready to get your first tooth! You had a few bad diapers the days before, which didn't clue me in to anything because otherwise you acted like you felt normal. I had been checking every other day to see if one had come and just happened to put my finger in your mouth on the morning of May 30 and felt a little prick....and there it was, your first tooth had popped through! That's the only time you would let me see it. After you knew I knew it was there, you'd clamp down on your lips the second I started coming for your mouth. That tooth is your little prize and you are bound and determined your Daddy and I are not going to see it or take a picture of it.
Your Daddy also successfully taught you to wave hi and bye bye and to clap this month. I am home with you all day and try to work with you on things and he spends 15 minutes with you and you do what he wants. Silly girl! It is so cute though. You wave to yourself because you haven't figured out how to turn your hand around the other way and it is just precious! When we say "yay" you just clap and grin. Adorable, plain and simple!
You also decided this month that you were going to crawl "normal." While we were in Clemson we stayed in a hotel room with carpet. I wasn't all about you army crawling on the floor, so I put down as many blankets as I could but you still managed to get on the carpet. I guess with the softer floor than we have at home, you decided you would crawl on all 4's instead of army crawling.....and boy can you move! You are so cute! We managed to sneak away a few of the days and visit family in Walhalla and they managed to come see you a few nights in Clemson. As always, we love spending time with them!
You also decided that you were going to start pulling up on things this month. You began by pulling up on one of your toys that stands. You'd sort of walk your way up it because it slants and then come back down. One day, I came around the corner and you were pulling up on the couch. After that, you were un-stoppable. You pull up on EVERYTHING! You will stand at the couch, chair or coffee table for forever it seems just pulling everything off and looking around. I am determined I am not baby proofing the house and aside from a few breakables, I havne't. You seem to just know what not to touch and if you do touch it, I just move you to something different. Needless to say, my days of getting anything done are OVER because y stiou are in to EVERYTHING! I have to keep my eye on you at all times.
You still like to get in your bouncy seat and walker, you can really scoot in that thing! You cry when I am out of sight (which I secretly love that too!). If I leave you in your walker or bouncy when I go to take my shower, you scream until you can see me again.
You have the cutest personality. You smile all the time, unless I put a camera in your face. I do capture you smiling, but you have to do it on your own time....stubborn. Wonder who you get that from?
I know this next month is going to be filled with even more surprises of you growing! Your Daddy and I are having so much fun watching you grow and learn. You are so inquisitive! You still love to swing every night and your favorite cartoon every morning is Micky Mouse Clubhouse. We don't watch much TV during the day, but every morning as we cuddle in bed I turn that on and you are glued!
We are so blessed to have you! We love you our princess and look forward to another month of watching you grow!
HIGHLIGHT of this said MAMA!!! We went with Daddy on a school trip to Clemson for the state FFA convention June 5-8. Your Daddy has caught you trying to say mama a few times but I havne't heard it. Anyway, I put you in your high chair for lunch at Tiger Town Tavern, and you said...mamamama. AHHH!!! YAY! Finally and it was so worth the wait. Music to my ears!
This month has been a big month for you! I celebrated my first Mother's Day on May 12. You and Daddy treated me like a queen! We spent all day at the beach on Saturday. My present was a new hammock for us to enjoy in the yard in the evenings! Although I am sure you will not be still long enough to stay in it long.
On Sunday morning, Mother's Day, we got up and you and Daddy brought me breakfast and you gave me another gift....a Mom charm for my charm bracelet and a card with your hand print and foot print inside! So sweet! I am so honored to be your Mommy and you are truly turning in to a Mommy's girl! You want me when you feel bad, when you're ready to go to sleep and I LOVE that!
This month you decided you were finally ready to get your first tooth! You had a few bad diapers the days before, which didn't clue me in to anything because otherwise you acted like you felt normal. I had been checking every other day to see if one had come and just happened to put my finger in your mouth on the morning of May 30 and felt a little prick....and there it was, your first tooth had popped through! That's the only time you would let me see it. After you knew I knew it was there, you'd clamp down on your lips the second I started coming for your mouth. That tooth is your little prize and you are bound and determined your Daddy and I are not going to see it or take a picture of it.
Your Daddy also successfully taught you to wave hi and bye bye and to clap this month. I am home with you all day and try to work with you on things and he spends 15 minutes with you and you do what he wants. Silly girl! It is so cute though. You wave to yourself because you haven't figured out how to turn your hand around the other way and it is just precious! When we say "yay" you just clap and grin. Adorable, plain and simple!
You also decided this month that you were going to crawl "normal." While we were in Clemson we stayed in a hotel room with carpet. I wasn't all about you army crawling on the floor, so I put down as many blankets as I could but you still managed to get on the carpet. I guess with the softer floor than we have at home, you decided you would crawl on all 4's instead of army crawling.....and boy can you move! You are so cute! We managed to sneak away a few of the days and visit family in Walhalla and they managed to come see you a few nights in Clemson. As always, we love spending time with them!
You also decided that you were going to start pulling up on things this month. You began by pulling up on one of your toys that stands. You'd sort of walk your way up it because it slants and then come back down. One day, I came around the corner and you were pulling up on the couch. After that, you were un-stoppable. You pull up on EVERYTHING! You will stand at the couch, chair or coffee table for forever it seems just pulling everything off and looking around. I am determined I am not baby proofing the house and aside from a few breakables, I havne't. You seem to just know what not to touch and if you do touch it, I just move you to something different. Needless to say, my days of getting anything done are OVER because y stiou are in to EVERYTHING! I have to keep my eye on you at all times.
You still like to get in your bouncy seat and walker, you can really scoot in that thing! You cry when I am out of sight (which I secretly love that too!). If I leave you in your walker or bouncy when I go to take my shower, you scream until you can see me again.
You have the cutest personality. You smile all the time, unless I put a camera in your face. I do capture you smiling, but you have to do it on your own time....stubborn. Wonder who you get that from?
I know this next month is going to be filled with even more surprises of you growing! Your Daddy and I are having so much fun watching you grow and learn. You are so inquisitive! You still love to swing every night and your favorite cartoon every morning is Micky Mouse Clubhouse. We don't watch much TV during the day, but every morning as we cuddle in bed I turn that on and you are glued!
We are so blessed to have you! We love you our princess and look forward to another month of watching you grow!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Little Red Wagon
I have been wanting to get you a little red wagon to ride around the yard in and so finally, we went and bought one for you! You LOVE it! You just look around at everything in the yard! When we would go outside, you normally were in your stroller and that was just too boring for me! Every little princess needs a little wagon to be pulled in! I debated on getting you a pink wagon, but decided that the traditional wagon was my favorite! Happy wagon riding!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
8 Months Old-May 9, 2012
This is the face you made pretty much all day when I tried to take your 8 month picture! |
You got in your first car wreck this month. We were on our way to church on Sunday morning, April 20 and your Daddy pulled out in front of a car and we got side swiped. Scariest day of my life for sure. I was in the back playing with you in your car seat and I heard him scream we were going to hit them. I just grabbed your head and held it still. We are so thankful we are all okay. You had no clue what was going on and thank the Lord for car seats because the impact barely made you move!
We went this past week (first week of May) for a week to Walhalla to visit your Walhalla family. Cak and PawPaw and of course your great grandparents enjoyed a week of spoiling you and spending time with you. You eat up all the extra attention. We surprised Daddy at the airport on Friday on our way home. He was so excited to see you! He was in Oklahoma all week and I know you missed him! We had a great road trip!
You have started making such cute little faces this month. Your favorite face to make it to scrunch your little nose up like in the picture above and you snort when you do it or huff really loud. It's so cute! Cak says I used to make the same face!
You continue to resemble both your Daddy and I. Evidentally we looked a lot alike as babies. Of course, people that remember him see him all over you, and vice versa for me. However, when it comes down to it, if you look at my baby pictures, you are ALL ME! Your hair has started coming in better and I can't wait to see if it's going to be curly or not! I hope it is! In the few dreams I had of you when I was pregnant, you had little blonde ringlets just like me!
Other than you crawling and making new faces, things have been pretty quiet around here this month. We have been home every weekend just spending time together and working around the house. I like lazy, relaxing weekends.
We swing almost every night. And you ride in your wagon every night while I water my flowers and shrubs. You love your wagon because I fill it with all your toys and you just play and play. You like to play in the grass as well. You pull and grab at the grass and it's so funny! And of course, you've tasted it too!
We love being able to take you outside to do stuff now. You are developing such a fun personality, are such a happy baby, and we are loving watching you grow!
Until next month...WE LOVE YOU PRINCESS!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Clothes hamper fun!
I was folding clothes today and you showed a lot of interest in the clothes hamper. You were very interested in the holes in it and everywhere I sat it, you crawled to it, so I decided to turn it sideways to see if you'd go in....and you did! At first you were a little skeptical, but that didn't seem to stop you! And when you were done playing, you just backed right out! Of course, I took a few more pictures other than the clothes hamper...I couldn't let you get off that easy in your cute Clemson outfit. I must say, you were being a little ham this morning smiling for the camera. Usually you get very serious when you see the camera coming, but today you didn't!
You are so precious I could just eat you up!
You are so precious I could just eat you up!
Friday, April 20, 2012
Sippy Cup Time-April 20, 2012
The doctor told me at your 6 month appointment to introduce a sippy cup and I let you try it one day but didn't let you actually drink anything from it. Tonight, I decided I'd try to let you drink a little milk. You did great! You think you are such a big girl!! Your Daddy was a little sad you were already drinking from a sippy cup! His little girl is growing up quickly!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Toes in the Sand-April 14, 2012
We have been wanting to take you to the beach for a while. This morning we went to visit one of my high school friends at the beach that just had her 4th baby and while we were there we went for your first beach trip! I must say, with everything we had to take, I won't be going by myself until you can walk!
You were in your cute little swim suit! Walking up the boardwalk to the beach the wind was blowing in your face and you just laughed and giggled! We got your little blanket spread out and put you on it while we put the umbrella up. Then...we put your toes in the sand! You didn't quite know what to think! You sat there and immediately dug in.....and into the mouth the sand went! I spent more time telling you no sand in your mouth and pulling your hands away from your face than anything else! You were mezmorized by all the people and the animals on the beach. You didn't know where to look. We took you down to put your feet in the just looked at it. The water was freezing so we didn't keep you in it long! When we got back up to the blanket, we sat you back in the sand and what did you find....a sharks tooth! And a big one at that! I can remember finding little ones growing up, but never one this big! And the first place it went, in your mouth! Rotten little monkey you are!
We will definitely be going back because overall you had a blast! You will for sure be a beach bum like your Mama. I always LOVED going to the beach when I was little and even now I like to go just relax! It's so peaceful listening to the waves roll in!
You were in your cute little swim suit! Walking up the boardwalk to the beach the wind was blowing in your face and you just laughed and giggled! We got your little blanket spread out and put you on it while we put the umbrella up. Then...we put your toes in the sand! You didn't quite know what to think! You sat there and immediately dug in.....and into the mouth the sand went! I spent more time telling you no sand in your mouth and pulling your hands away from your face than anything else! You were mezmorized by all the people and the animals on the beach. You didn't know where to look. We took you down to put your feet in the just looked at it. The water was freezing so we didn't keep you in it long! When we got back up to the blanket, we sat you back in the sand and what did you find....a sharks tooth! And a big one at that! I can remember finding little ones growing up, but never one this big! And the first place it went, in your mouth! Rotten little monkey you are!
We will definitely be going back because overall you had a blast! You will for sure be a beach bum like your Mama. I always LOVED going to the beach when I was little and even now I like to go just relax! It's so peaceful listening to the waves roll in!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
First time being on all 4's!
You have tried to get on your knees several times but end up flopping back down or just don't quite make it all the way. However, tonight we were on the floor playing and this is what you did! You got up and rocked back and forth a few times and ended up like this.....
You are so cute! You want to crawl so bad but I'm not rushing you!
Love you little doodlebug!
Monday, April 9, 2012
7 Months Old-April 9, 2012
Another month has gone by and in 5 months you will be 1 year old!!! Today, on your 7 month birthday, you held your own bottle for the first time! You were laying so sweet in your bummzie chair and I took you a bottle and you just held it and took the whole thing! You don't get bottles very often, but you do well with them when you do!
I'll just recap this month with highlights! We have been busy and we have enjoyed you so much this month! You have really developed a personality this past month and have grown so much!
Our major event his month was your first bruise! We have become safety police now! You are just in to EVERYTHING already....I can't imagine when you are truly considered mobile!
This next month should be full of even more surprises! We love you to the moon and back our princess!
I'll just recap this month with highlights! We have been busy and we have enjoyed you so much this month! You have really developed a personality this past month and have grown so much!
- You continue to roll EVERYWHERE!
- You are in the beginning stages of crawling. You get up on all 4s and then plot back down on your tummy!
- You enjoy our morning walk up town in your stroller. You sleep the whole time. It's something about the car and the stroller that put you to sleep in seconds!
- You LOVE bath time! You now think you need to sit straight up in your tub.....I have to pull you back down to a laying position most times to wash your hair. The whole time you are in the tub you want to chew on your rubber ducky....go figure!
- You sit up on your own still!
- You still only sleep in your crib for half the night. I allow myself 2 times to get up with you....and after the second time, I'm done. This is still a battle I don't choose to fight right now. We all need sleep!
- You LOVE being outside! Your swing set is going to be the best thing we ever got you!
- You ADORE your Daddy! You light up when he gets home every day!
- You LOVE baby food. So far you have eaten everything we've given you. You didn't prefer apples the first time, but you like them now!
- You CRY hysterically when I leave the room, even for 1 second. The second I walk back around the corner in eye view of you, you smile. Even when I try to take a shower, I put you in the walker. The time I shut the shower curtain you scream until I get out and then you smile. I have to admit, I like you being a Mommy's girl!
- You are more than obsessed with the dogs now. You want to reach out and grab them. They are unsure of this! I am trying to teach you to be gentle but you've got a long way to go! Lulu doesn't hang around long enough for you to touch her....but poor Elsa!
- You have started waking up around 7 every morning to eat. Stay awake until 10 and then you usually nap on our walk. We have lunch, play, and take our afternoon nap together. Cook dinner, play some more, bed time is still around 9! Whew! You wear me out most days now because we have to constantly switch activities to keep you content!
- You are wanting to crawl sooo bad! You get up on all 4's and rock back and forth and then fall to your stomach! I'm not ready for this crawling thing. Although, it may make me lose some weight and put me below my pre-pregnancy weight that I have been stuck on for eons now!
- You are curious about the computer and ipad. You think you need to chew on them!
- You have tasted the dog bone. I turned my head for a second one day and when I looked back around, you had rolled to the other side of the rug and had the dog bone in your mouth. Your Daddy wigged out, but with as curious as you are....I'm sure when you start crawling and walking you'll be eating dog food before all is said and done.
- You talk....ahhhh, oooohhhhhh, tatatata are your favorite sounds.
- You have learned to chew on your lips.
- You have learned to spit....and spit on everything when you do.
- You drool EVERYWHERE! I keep waiting on a tooth, but still none!
Our major event his month was your first bruise! We have become safety police now! You are just in to EVERYTHING already....I can't imagine when you are truly considered mobile!
This next month should be full of even more surprises! We love you to the moon and back our princess!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
The Easter Bunny came! April 8, 2012
We had a great first Easter with you! We got up and you got your Easter bunny surprises! You got a lot of books and some new toys and a new SWING SET!! It only has the swings on it for now, but hopefully the slide and other fun things will be added later! The Easter bunny worked very hard on your swing set and you have a pretty purple swing to swing in! You LOVE it! We went out this morning and let you swing for a little while. You just grinned and laughed! We went to church and then had dinner at your Great-Grandma Pauline's house. We made a little trip down to Bass Pro Shops and you sat in the Easter Bunny's lap. When we got home we played outside some more and then it was bed time!
Easter will be so much fun next year. Again, I understand the true meaning of Easter and I cannot wait for you to understand it as well, but it's so much fun seeing a little child's eyes light up over Santa or the Easter Bunny and I can't wait to experience that with you!
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