Monday, January 30, 2012

Walhalla Trip January 2012

You and I made a little road trip this past week to see your Cak, PawPaw and the rest of your Walhalla family!  We had a great time, but we missed your Daddy terribly and he missed us too!  He called every night wanting to know when we were coming home!  He said 7 days away was long enough! You are such a good little traveler!  I am hoping you stay that way!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Realizing you can eat your toes! January 19, 2012

You have been playing with your feet for a little over a month, but today, you realized that you could actually put your toes in your mouth!  It was so funny to watch you literally bend in half to do this.  And you've realized today that you can pull your feet up on the changing table to fit your toes in your mouth as well. 

You are one determined little girl! I sure hope those little toes taste good!

Monday, January 9, 2012

4 Months Old-January 9, 2011

4 Months Old

Happy 4 month birthday our baby girl!  Today, you had your 4 month shots!  I made the appointment early enough for Daddy to go with me this time.  Last time I had to endure it by myself, so this time, I wanted him to come along!  You took your shots like a CHAMP!  You puckered up and screamed one loud scream and were done!  Um, please tell me why you didn't do that with me last time for your 2 month shots?  Looks like Daddy is going every time we have shots from now on! 

The doctor confirmed what we already know and that is that you are PERFECT in every way!  You were 25 1/2 inches long (99th percentile!), and weighed in at 15 pounds 14 ounces!  Looks like you are going to be tall and are our little chunky monkey!  (Although I don't think you look "fat" at all!)  I love your little or big rolls on your thighs to pieces!  I could just eat them up every time I change your diaper! 
Here are some highlights from this month:
  • You have started grabbing at things if we put them in front of you...and of course they go straight in your mouth!
  • You keep your  hands in your mouth constantly unless I can distract you with something else! 
  • You LOVE watching the TV.  We don't keep the TV on during the day unless it's on country music and we're dancing around, but you LOVE to watch it when Daddy gets home.  I think it's the movement and colors that attract you to it!
  • You are doing so much better with tummy time!  You'll now stay on your tummy for 5-10 minutes at a time multiple times during the day!
  • You LOVE sitting in your play chair and in your jumperoo!  You are doing so good reaching for the toys and playing with them! 
  • You also love to be on your back on your playmat kicking and sliding around!
  • You have showed no signs of wanting to roll over, which is fine by me. 
  • Your daily routine consists of waking up around 5-6am to eat every morning, then we go back to bed until 9 or 10 each morning
  • You are awake for a few hours at a time.  We spend that time playing, talking, reading books.  Of course, most of the time you try to eat the books, but none the less it makes me feel better to know you are being read to. 
  • You are sitting up very well.  You still aren't sitting up straight, but are doing great practicing every day!
It really has not set in yet that I am home with you everyday and no longer have to get up for work again for a LONG time!  I plan to stay home until you start Kindergarten.  I have so many fun ideas planned for us as you get older.  I have enjoyed every second of being with you during the day.  I just can't imagine you going to day care everyday.  You are becoming a definitely Mommy's girl!  You light up with I walk in the room!  I love that!  You still adore your Daddy as well! 

We didn't do a big photo shoot for your 4 month birthday.  You are always sleepy and tired the night after shots so we just took it easy and snuggled around the house!
Keep growing baby girl!  We love you to the moon and back!

Those little hams took the shots like a champ!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sitting up on your own-January 4, 2011

We were playing in the floor today and I decided to try to let you sit up on your own.  You did really well, although you wanted to slouch forward a little bit.  I know you will grow out of this but I was so proud of you and you were so excited to be seeing the world from a different view!  As much as I don't want you to grow up too quick, I do get excited seeing you learn new things.  And I have to admit, I am so glad I was at home to experience this.  I can't imagine arriving to day care for them to tell me you sat up by yourself and I missed it.  I am so greatful for the opportunity to be at home with you!  Today, my cup runneth over for this opportunity to watch you grow!  I love you sweet baby girl!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

First Nap in your crib-January 3, 2011

Today you took your first nap in your crib.  You slept maybe 30 minutes.  I hope this isn't a sign of things to come about you sleeping in your crib, but I must admit, I missed cuddling with you during nap time.  I should have gone back to work today and it was a little weird knowing all mommy's teacher friends were returning to work and I wasn't but I enjoyed my first day at home with you as a full time Mommy! 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Years! January 1, 2012

We spent your first New Years Eve cuddled on the couch and your first New Years Day snuggled up at home!  We wouldn't have preferred it any other way and just enjoy every second we have had with you today!  All too soon you'll be wanting to spend New Years eve outside shooting fireworks and one day with your friends so we cherished every second with you laslt night and today!

Happy 1st New Years!

Ready to ring in the new year with Dick Clark!

Didn't quite make it to midnight!

Crazy Daddy!

Practicing tummy time on New Years Day!

First New Years Day family photo!