Thursday, May 10, 2012

Little Red Wagon

I have been wanting to get you a little red wagon to ride around the yard in and so finally, we went and bought one for you!  You LOVE it!  You just look around at everything in the yard!  When we would go outside, you normally were in your stroller and that was just too boring for me!  Every little princess needs a little wagon to be pulled in!  I debated on getting you a pink wagon, but decided that the traditional wagon was my favorite!  Happy wagon riding! 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

8 Months Old-May 9, 2012

This is the face you made pretty much all day when I tried to take your 8 month picture!
You are 8 months old today and are growing so quickly!  This past month, you have learned how to crawl really well, although your style of crawling is different than the normal.  You prefer to army crawl all over the place.  You'll push off and use your elbows and off you go!  If I had to place a bet, I'd say you'd beat or tie with anyone other baby that crawls on all fours!  You will crawl on all fours for just a few times and then you fall on your belly and army crawl.  I guess you figure you can go quicker that way.  You are in to EVERYTHING!  If you see it, you are determined to get it.  I can only imagine when you start pulling up on stuff and walking.  I no longer can sit you in one spot with some toys while I fold clothes or take a shower.  You are my little shadow, following me everywhere I go!  You absolutely LOVE cords.  I have to watch you like a hawk because if you spot a cord of any kind on the floor, plugged in to the wall, etc you are after it.  I'm determined not to baby proof the house "that" much like some people do because I feel like you need to learn from the beginning what you can and cannot touch.  So needless to say, until you understand no no, I'll spend my days like I have this month, moving you  away 1,000 times from something! And then you STILL go back to it!  One of your favorite toys at the moment you like to play with is a clothes basket.  You are mesmorized by the holes in it.  I threw some of your toys in one one day and you crawled in to get them! Little stinker! 

You got in your first car wreck this month.  We were on our way to church on Sunday morning, April 20 and your Daddy pulled out in front of a car and we got side swiped.  Scariest day of my life for sure.  I was in the back playing with you in your car seat and I heard him scream we were going to hit them.  I just grabbed your head and held it still.  We are so thankful we are all okay.  You had no clue what was going on and thank the Lord for car seats because the impact barely made you move!

We went this past week (first week of May) for a week to Walhalla to visit your Walhalla family.  Cak and PawPaw and of course your great grandparents enjoyed a week of spoiling you and spending time with you.  You eat up all the extra attention.  We surprised Daddy at the airport on Friday on our way home.  He was so excited to see you!  He was in Oklahoma all week and I know you missed him!  We had a great road trip!

You have started making such cute little faces this month.  Your favorite face to make it to scrunch your little nose up like in the picture above and you snort when you do it or huff really loud.  It's so cute!  Cak says I used to make the same face! 

You continue to resemble both your Daddy and I.  Evidentally we looked a lot alike as babies.  Of course, people that remember him see him all over you, and vice versa for me.  However, when it comes down to it, if you look at my baby pictures, you are ALL ME!  Your hair has started coming in better and I can't wait to see if it's going to be curly or not!  I hope it is!  In the few dreams I had of you when I was pregnant, you had little blonde ringlets just like me! 

Other than you crawling and making new faces, things have been pretty quiet around here this month.  We have been home every weekend just spending time together and working around the house.  I like lazy, relaxing weekends. 

We swing almost every night.  And you ride in your wagon every night while I water my flowers and shrubs.  You love your wagon because I fill it with all your toys and you just play and play.  You like to play in the grass as well.  You pull and grab at the grass and it's so funny!  And of course, you've tasted it too!   

We love being able to take you outside to do stuff now.  You are developing such a fun personality, are such a happy baby, and we are loving watching you grow!

Until next month...WE LOVE YOU PRINCESS!