Monday, July 9, 2012

10 Months Old-July 9, 2012

Another month has come and gone!

Happy 10 months baby girl!  As predicted, you have taken off even more this month!  You are still crawling and into everything!!!  I have to watch you even more closely now!

You have started turning those babbles into words.  You will now wave and say bye bye.  I didn't really want that to be your first word but we'll take it I guess.  I didn't have much control over that. 

You still wave to yourself, clap when you do things or you hear someone say "yay."   You are still pulling up to everything.  Your favorite thing to pull up on this month is the piano.  You will sit there and play until your legs have to be tired.  It is so precious!  I hope that you will love music as much as I do and will learn to play the piano one day. 

You are not very fond of your bouncy or walker anymore!  I know you think they keep you too contained and you are too much of a big girl for that now!  You will still get in your walker when I'm cooking dinner, but you prefer to just pull up on the side of it and your bouncy and play with the toys that way. 

You have discovered the bathroom off of our den.  I have to now keep the door closed because you immediately go in there and try to move the curtain to pull up on the tub or toilet....gross! 

You haven't grasped the concept of no no and so we just don't say it much.  It REALLY bothers me when we are around people and they are constantly telling you no no for doing things.  You will learn but I've read in several places where constantly saying no no isn't the way to do it.  Trust me, you'll be a disciplined child, I assure you of that because it bothers me when kids are not, but constantly fussing isn't going to be our method, or anyone elses with you for that matter. 

You moved from your infant car seat to a convertible car seat this month!  There was a place having a really good sale on them and I decided you were probably ready.  It was a bitter sweet day taking your infant carrier out of the car!  You look like such a big girl in your new ride! 

You are now saying "mama" when you want me, mainly at night when you're ready for bed or you are cranky before nap time.  You'll say "mamamama" and come crawling my way.  PRECIOUS!  Melts my heart in all ways! 

We went with Daddy to Charleston for a work trip at the end of June.  You did great! You were totally off your schedule, but you slept like a champ at night, despite being up until 11 each night and not getting a full nap each day. 

You still sleep with us at night.  I know it's time to move you to your own bed, I know you are going to fuss, but I just can't do it yet.  I love waking up in the middle of the night snuggling with you and having you wake up beside me each morning.  Some of my favorite moments.  I have it in my head that you will be in your crib by a year I better get moving!

We took you to the pool for the first time this month.  We have been twice.  The first time you were not so fond of it.  You didn't want me to put you in your float or little boat.  It was a little chilly so I think that played in to the factors.  I know you will be a little fish one day and it will just take a little coaxing.  You were fine as long as Daddy or I were holding you.  The second time we went, the water was warmer and you did much better!  You floated around in your float from Cak and splashed around.  I am going to try to find somewhere to put you in swim lessons next summer! 

We also have been to the beach just about every Friday the month of June.  You LOVE the sand.  I mean, LOVE IT!  You don't eat it was much as you once did the first time we took you.  But you will dig your hands all in it.  And you have no fear of crawling from under the umbrella straight down into the water.  Everyone on the beach just thinks you are precious in your tutu bathing suit and well, Daddy and I don't deny it!  You are just adorable!  We have so much fun taking you, aside from having sand everywhere when we leave!
We left on your first July 4th to head to Walhalla to visit for 12 days.  I love how we don't see my family but once every six weeks yet, you immediately smile and reach for them when we arrive.  I hate that we don't live closer, but we spend good quality time together when we are together!

Since pulling up on everything, you haven't showed any signs of wanting to walk on your own or stand up unattended, however, on your 10 month birthday, you did let go and stand for about 20 seconds by yourself.  I know walking is coming and I must say, I welcome it.  I hate being out places and you want to be down and I refuse to let you because you aren't going to crawl on the nasty floor! 

We love you to the moon and back baby girl!