Thursday, August 9, 2012

11 Months Old-August 9, 2012

I cannot believe you are 11 months old today!  Where has the time is flying by and I wish it would slow down just a little.  With that said, I am so thankful that you are growing and developing as you should and could not ask for a better little girl!  You are, well, just PERFECT!!!

This past mont has been busy!  We had a great trip to Walhalla to visit family, another 3 day work trip with Daddy, which was anything slight of miserable.  You were tired from being gone 2 weeks to Walhalla, we were cramped in a nasty hotel room, so needless to say, I called your Daddy, got him out of a meeting and we left a day earlier than we were originally supposed to.  After a few days at home, you were a much happier baby! 

You have gotten so much busier this month!  Whew!  You are more in to everything than you were before if that's possible.  Your favorite thing to do is pull all of my socks and underwear out of my drawer and pile them in the floor.  Yes, I could close the drawer and save myself some time, but it's just too cute watching you crawl as fast as you can in there and start your destruction!  You think it's funny to make us chase you.  You'll take off and then turn around to see if we are coming!  Too cute!  You LOVE going into your bedroom and playing in your closet.  You will pull every stitch of clothing out of the little hang up thing in there, pull off all the hangers with nothing on them, thus, creating another mess for me to clean up! 

You are eating more "whole" foods.  I still won't give you meats, but pretty much all your vegetables and fruits are in chunks that I make myself.  You do quite well with them.  It is so much easier to take you out to eat now because I only have to carry one jar of meat baby food (YUK!) and then I can order stuff for you to eat or you can eat veggies of mine or Daddy's plate.  

You graduated to your convertible car seat this month!  I'm not so sure you are a fan of it. The sides are higher, making it a little harder for you to see out and you are too nosey to be confined without a view! 

You are still only saying 3 words, mama, dada and bye bye.  You will wave at people when you feel like it. Most times, it's when we are away from them, you decide you would like to be polite.  You don't pitch fits much unless you are overly hungry or tired. 

You LOVE LOVE bathtime still.  You play until your skin is schriveled up! 

Your favorite daytime activity is reading. Whether I am reading to you or you are reading to yourself, you love books.  You are constantly pulling more out of your toy box and flipping through them.  I hope this trend continues because I love to read, although it's been over a year since I completed a whole book...wonder why?

You are still sleeping 11-12 hours at night...yes, you are still in the bed with Daddy in I, right in the middle, but I refuse to let you cry it out.  I just can't take it.  You wake up every 30 minutes when we put you in your crib, whether for naptime, or bedtime, and I'm sorry, but I like my sleep too much to be getting up all night with a fussy baby.  So, sleeping with us is what works for us and we aren't concerned with it.  Eventually we'll move you when we think you're ready, but getting a GOOD night sleep is more important to us! 
You have dwindled down to one nap a day.  When you were taking 2 naps a day, it was a late morning nap for about an hour, thus you wouldn't go down for an afternoon nap until late and then want to sleep 2 hours.  Sometimes it was after 5 getting up and then you'd be up until 10-11.  Not happening...around 9pm starts my Mommy time!  I devote over 12 hours a day to you and well, at 9pm, I want a little time to do what I'd like to do for the day!  So, I keep you awake now until after lunch, you eat, go down for a nap around 1 and sleep until 3:30-4.  I usually don't let you sleep past 4-4:30 because that just means you're later going to bed.  Yes, I don't mess with naps and bedtime, and yes, I'm picky over it.  If you are off a day on your naps or we aren't home for them, I don't wig out, we're back on track the next day.

You have developed quite an attitude....yes, you have.  I forsee a few pops in your future when you actually know what they are.  I took a toy away from you the other day and well, you came up to me and bit me.  Yes, bit me, as in left your 2 little bottom teeth marks in my arm.  I was so stunned.  Next time, I will pop your hands and/or bite you back.  Beware!

Also this month, I started your birthday planning.  I only have a few more projects to complete and I will be completely done!  I'm so excited.  I think it's going to be so precious and not rushing time, but I can't wait! 

On your 11 month birthday, you cut your 3rd bottom tooth!  I'm convinced you have no top teeth and will just have gums up there the rest of your life.  I also started weaning you from nursing on your 11 month birthday.  I'm done with it, I did it a year and it's a part of life that I"m looking forward to not doing any more.  I know it was healthier for you, but I'm not one of these people that's been overly passionate about it. I basically did it because of your benefit and it's cheap and I like cheap! 

And the big story of took your first STEPS!!!!  We've been working with you and you haven't been the least bit interested but today, I set up the ipad in the recliner and turned on "Small Potatoes" and then stood you up at the coffee table and you took 6 steps to get to the ipad.  You don't watch a lot of TV or shows, infact, after 30 minutes in the morning, the TV stays off the rest of the day until Daddy comes home, but you love the little small potato clips.  I"m so glad I was able to get your first steps on video!!!  Here's to you walking by 1 year! 

You are our pride and joy, our everything!  We love you to the moon and back and all the stars inbetween our princess!