Sunday, October 9, 2011

First Trip to Walhalla-October 7-9, 2011

First Trip to visit your Walhalla family!
October 7-9, 2011

Your Daddy and I decided last week that we were going to take you to Walhalla before you turned a month old! I wasn't set out to conquer this trip alone yet, so we didn't get to leave until after your Daddy got off work.  I was a little worried how you would do eating along the way.  You usually go about 4 hours in between feedings and well, with a 5 hour trip, I figured we'd have to stop somewhere for me to feed.  You were due up to feed somewhere around Columbia, which was perfect timing because we were hungry for supper. So, while Daddy went in to get Chic-Fil-A, I nursed in the car.  You did great and we were back on the road in record time!  Of course I sat in the back with you the whole way, thinking you might wake up at some point....but, you slept like a champ!  The car puts you to sleep every time!  You take that after me because poor Daddy has to ride solo a lot when we travel because I crash within minutes!  He on the other hand, takes a 10 minute nap and is good to go! 

We made it to Walhalla around 9pm.  We didn't tell anyone we were coming but Cak and PawPaw.  We made a pit stop by to surprise Great-Gran!  She was thrilled when she opened the door and there you were!  You were dressed in a Halloween outfit!  She loved you to death and just cried!  We stayed for about 30 minutes and then you were ready for your bath and to eat again, so we left and went to Cak's. 

You slept in your bummzie inbetween Daddy and I and you did great! 

On Saturday, we had a little family lunch at Great-Grans for all your other family to meet you.  Auntie Mel, Uncle Frank, Cousin Grant, Bobbie and Aunt Julie all came to visit you!  They just adored you!  Some family friends, Beth Davis, Mary Sprouse, and Shawn Higdon all came to visit over at Great-Grans as well.  They thought you were just precious! 

Later on Saturday we went met PawPaw at your Great-Grandma and Great-Papas house for them to meet you!  Of course, you slept most of the time! 
We spent the night with PawPaw tonight...and of course you slept in between us again! 

Sunday morning!...HAPPY ONE MONTH BIRTHDAY BABY GIRL!!!!! (I'll post a one month later!)

On Sunday morning, we got up and went over to see your Great Aunt Donna and Uncle Roger.  Your cousins Amber, Jacob, and Kaleb were in town as well so they got to meet you too!  When we finished visiting with them, we hit the road back home! 

You were doing great until we hit TONS of traffic near Newberry!  The interstate was closed down and we had to take a major detour that lasted over an hour because it was 2 lane country roads.  I ended up having to do a big NO NO...take you out of your car seat to nurse while driving, but there was no where for us to pull over and you were demanding to be fed!  We finally got back on the interstate and left the traffic behind!   You managed to sleep the rest of the way until we made it home!  Thank goodness!!

We had a wonderful weekend.  It was a busy weekend, but full of fun and showing you off to our family!  Everyone simply adored you and thought you were the prettiest baby they had ever seen!  When you were awake, you took in each moment and didn't mind everyone passing you around and loving on you!  I missed getting to hold you all day but you didn't seem to mind! 

We are so happy that my family got to meet you finally!  It's always tough living 5 hours away from everyone, however, I must say, when we go visit, we are there for a few days at a time, and we spend every waking moment with family! 

Here are a few snapshots of the weekend!  I'd say our first road trip was a HUGE SUCCESS!!
Talking with her Great-Gran!

Surrounded by her Pa Shealy's Cardinals attire! 

Cak and Maribelle rocking!

Love my little family!
Great Grandma and Maribelle playing!

Paw Paw and Maribelle

Daddy's little Tiger fan!

4 Generations.  Great-Grandma, Daddy, me and Maribelle!  Also pictured is Great-Papa

3 generations!

1 month old and about to break out into a scream because she's tired of pictures!
LOVE my precious little princess to the moon and back and all the space in between!

3 Generations: Leslie Carol, Leslie Elizabeth, and Maribelle Rebekka

4 Generations: Great-Gran, Cak, me and Maribelle

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