Wednesday, November 9, 2011

2 Months Old-November 9, 2011

You are now 2 months old and have grown so much in the last month!  You seemed so tiny before but hit a grown spurt this month and have gotten so big!  For your 2 month well check-up you were 13.2 pounds, 24 inches in height, and 38cm head circumference!  When you decided you wanted to start gaining a few pounds you took off!  You are our little butterball now and we love those little developing chunky rolls! 

To celebrate your 2 month birthday, I took you to the cotton fields for some pictures!  This is the perfect time of year for pictures in cotton fields!  In fact, while we were there the cotton was getting cut in the field across the road!  You could not take your eyes off the tractor and I am sure wondered what that noise was!  You were so good while I positioned you and drug you to different areas for some pictures!  You are quite the little photogenic baby!  Thank goodness you aren't camera shy as you've had a camera in your face since day 1!  You are giving little half grins but nothing big for the camera yet! 

2 month highlights:

  • You are now holding your head up like a big girl!  You LOVE looking around at everything and are making more focus on items now! 
  • You LOVE bath time still!  You would sit all day in your tub if I would let you!
  • You are still eating every 3 hours during the day...hoping to stretch that a bit farther in the upcoming days!  You are still spitting up like crazy.....which drives me crazy!  I'd rather change 100 poopey diapers than to be spit up on! I'm hoping when you start going a little longer in between feeedings the spit up will decrease.  Maybe you're just getting too full?  We will see!
  • You have been battling a little constipation lately, or rather not using the bathroom on a regular basis, so I'm hoping that's going to work itself out soon!
  • You are following us around a lot more lately, which shows me your vision is getting sharper everyday! 
  • We think it's absolutely adorable that you laugh in your sleep.  Usually about 10 minutes before you wake up, you will just giggle in your sleep and it's sooo cute! 
  • You are starting to want to hold things in your hands or watch us play with them in front of your face. 
  • You are still sleeping ALL night long.  Or what I consider to be all night....around 9-5 every day.  We get up at 5, eat, go back to bed until 9.  That's the BEST snuggle time to me!  I don't let you sleep with me and Daddy at night but after your morning feeding, I always put you in the bed to snuggle.  You're just sooo cute!
  • Your Daddy adores you! and you adore him!  The moment he walks in the room from work, you look for him! 
  • I have to start back to work the week of Thanksgiving and I"m really sad!  However, there are a few surprises coming our way....stay tuned!
Until next month's update, we love you to pieces.  You are our lives now.  We cannot imagine what life was like before you!  Pretty boring if you ask me!

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