5 Months Old
February 9, 2011
Happy 5 month birthday to our little princess! We can't believe how much you've grown this month! I was looking back and organizing some pictures earlier this week from when you were born! You were so tiny and little and while I would love for you to be that little again, I am enjoying seeing you grow and learn each and every day!
This past month has been wonderful being home with you! I do miss my children at school, but that is the only thing I miss. I do not miss all the extra stuff that goes along with teaching. I LOVE spending all day, everyday with you. We have our little routine down and I love you being on a schedule still!
We spend our days playing and just enjoying being together! You are developing the sweetest little personality! You are awake most of the day now. We get up every morning, have breakfast, play, nap together in the chair, play some more, get supper started, nap again in the chair together, and then Daddy comes home! When he gets home you light up! You love him to pieces and the feeling is mutual! We spend our evenings in the floor playing with you. You have bathtime still between 8-8:30 and then bedtime around 9! You are still in our bedroom in your pack n play. I plan to move you to your crib next week so we will see how that goes. I like having you near me at night, however, I just think you are ready for your crib. The pack n play seems a little unsturdy now that you are getting bigger.
We have been traveling a lot this month. We spent the last week of January in Walhalla. We had so much fun seeing all of my family. They just adore seeing you and spending time with you! I do wish we all lived closer, but I have to say that you get good quality time with them when we go to Walhalla and for that I am so thankful!
You went on your first trip other than to Walhalla this past month. We went with Daddy to a farm show in Raleigh NC with some of his students. I was a little anxious on how you would do in the car and being off your routine, but I have to say, you did GREAT! The only time you got fussy was at the mall that night. We had dinner at the cheesecake factory and then walked around the mall for a while. It was getting close to your bedtime, and you don't play around with that. We were waiting on the kids to meet back up with us and you got quite anxious. We got you in the car and were pulling out of the mall parking lot and you decided that you wanted to pitch a MAJOR fit. You were screaming so bad. You could have heard a pin drop in the rental van. The kids were silent! I'm sure you scared them to death! Needless to say, the only way you would be quiet for the rest of the ride was for me to hold you. I know that is a huge NO NO riding donw the interstate holding you, but it was either that or continue to let you lose your breath screaming and I wasn't going to do that. Your Daddy just drove extra careful. That is by far the worst fit you have ever pitched and I hope you never do it again!
We had a great time!
The BIGGEST highlight of this past month came when we got home from our little trip. Daddy and I were laying in the floor with you. You had been trying to roll over several times but I would either stop you because your Daddy wasn't there or you wouldn't completely roll yourself....BUT, only Friday, February 3, 2012 at around 5pm, you rolled over from your back to your stomach for the FIRST TIME! We were so excited! And I am so happy we were both there to catch you on camera! You wanted to roll so bad last week while we were in Walhalla, but I would stop you. I had promised your Daddy I would make sure he was there....and he was! You were so excited when you rolled over....and a little stunned, like you didn't quite know what to do then! I wanted to cry! You are growing WAY too fast! I am so glad that you are happy and healthy, however, I wish time would slow down just a little! Most babies I've read, roll from their stomach to their backs first, but you wanted to be different! And, you will only roll one way, to your left. You are such a little monkey!
A few other monthly highlights:
- You still LOVE eating your toes and playing with your feet. You don't keep your fingers in your mouth as much...thank goodness!
- You had another cold on February 4. You had coughed a few times the week before but we though you had just learned to do that and were fake coughing...however, I got up Saturday morning, February 4 and you were running a temp so I took you to the doctor. They said you had bronchilitis and sent me home and said to let it run it's course. Your temp was low grade and never got over 100.
- You are reaching for things like crazy and are determined to get what you want when it's in view.
It was cold out today, so we enjoyed your 5 month birthday snuggled up inside! You did get to try one new thing today....your walker! Actually it's a borrowed walker but none the less, you seemed to enjoy a different view of life! You couldn't figure out what all the toys were or why you were standing upright. After about 20 minutes in it, you manged to move backwards but havne't mastered moving forwards yet. I'm sure that's coming! You were so cute in it! We ended the day snuggled in the den with Daddy and I got one of the best bedtime kisses ever! Slobber and all!!
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