Wednesday, January 9, 2013

16 Months Old-January 9, 2013

We have had a busy busy month!  This past month, we celebrated Jesus' birth and your 2nd Christmas!!  You were in awe of the decorations.  You would just stand at the tree and look at the ornaments and just touch them...sometimes yanking them off.  You were so sweet walking up to the tree and saying "twee."  You're going to love Christmas as much as I do, I'll make sure of that!  I was hesitant to set my dining room table with my china this year but you didn't touch it at all!  You have learned very quickly not to mess with Mommy's decorations.  They are some of my prized possessions.  You managed to endure another all day Christmas shopping trip.  Your Daddy and I have made it a tradition to do all our shopping in one day.  This year was no different.  You did so well last year and we weren't quite sure what to think this year with you mobile, but you did wonderful!  Your Daddy even got you out of the stroller at Belk.  He quickly realized that was a big mistake.  I told him not to, but he thought you would stand right there and after running through the clothes racks to get you, lets just say, you were back in the stroller quickly. 

We intend to instill in you the true meaning of Christmas, but I must admit, seeing Christmas through the eyes of a child is so heartwarming.  Last year you were way too young to open any presents, etc, but this year, you quickly realized that the paper pulls out of the bag and rips off the presents very quickly.  And you realized there are prizes inside of the bag and boxes!  You didn't play with anything for an extended period of time.  You might have briefly touched the present and then you were on to a new one.  You were very overwhelmed to say the least!

We enjoyed a full week before Christmas with Mommy's side of the family.  We flip years that we are in Walhalla.  This year, it was the week before.  This gives us time to see everyone and spend lots of quality time with everyone.  You do so well when we travel there, thank goodness!  While it is hard at times living so far away from my family, the moments and time we share together are very well worth it.  And I will mention that you were a little spoiled with gifts this year.  You didn't know what way to turn. Too cute and it is all mostly stuff you will grow in to learn to play with!

We came home on Christmas Eve morning.  We are going to try to start spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at our house for you to have Santa at home and then if we need to travel afterwards or before like we did this year we can.  PawPaw and Cak came back from Walhalla with us.  We want your Grandparents to be here with us on Christmas morning.

We spent Christmas Eve at your Nanna and Papas house.  We had a yummy dinner and opened presents with them and your Aunt Kati.  Needless to say, you were spoiled again!  You got a little rocking horse, clothes, books and toys! 

We came home on Christmas Eve, took a bath and got ready for Santa.  I had to wait to set out Santas cookies and milk after you were in bed because you kept wanting to eat them!  Miss piggy!

Christmast morning was a BLAST!!!!! We got up and Daddy, Myself and you opened our presents just the 3 of us.  Then, when Cak and PawPaw got up and Nanna and Papa got there you got your Christmas from Santa!  Normally we won't make you wait for everyone to be there because you will be too excited, but this year we did because you still don't know any better!  When you walked out of our bedroom door into the were so excited.  You ran straight to your new playhouse!  Then you found your other items under the tree.  You got a little piano/keyboard, doll stroller, books, a few clothes, a little stuffed deer, and a few puzzles.  You were again overwhelmed with everything and couldn't decide what way to turn!  So worth every minute!  Seeing your excitement is worth more than any present I could ever get on Christmas.  I can't wait to see that excitement as you get older and begin to "anticipate" Santa! 

We had breakfast, played and then went to Great-Grandma Pauline's for lunch.  After lunch we came home and took naps.  Woke up, and played some more!  You got your last present of the day when the rain quite.  Nanna, Papa, Mommy, Daddy, Cak and PawPaw all went in together and had another section of your swingset added on!  You now have a little play house, a slide, and a sandbox.  You LOVED it!! 

One of my favorite moments of Christmas this year was seeing you play with your manger scene.  Your Great-Gran bought you the Little People manger scene last year and you fell in love with it this year.  You can baa like a sheep, spit like a camel and my favorite, you learned to say "Jejus!"  If we asked you to bring us Jesus, you'd walk right to the manger scene and bring him to us.  SOOO CUTE!

Other things you learned this month:

  • You can now say "deer" and point to a deer.
  • You can say PawPaw
  • You can say Cak
  • You can say Nanna
  • You can say Papa
  • You can lift your shirt and find your belly, as well as anyone else that's around.
  • You can say Jejus
  • You love just about anything we give you to eat.  The only thing still so far that you aren't fond of is mashed potatoes. You will eat them, just don't prefer them.
  • You said your first 2 words put together.  "Shoes On."  You are obsessed with shoes and having them on your feet.  I have no clue where this came from because I don't like to wear shoes unless I have to, and definitely not around the house. 
  • You still sleep with Daddy and I and I LOVE IT!  I love waking up to you in the mornings and snuggling with you at night.  The only part that drives me nuts is you like to pull and rub my hair....and pull my hair until it hurts.  You do this as you are going to sleep and sometimes in the middle of the night.  This will be the next thing we bgin working on is breaking you of my hair. 
  • You love to be outside.  You cry when we come back inside.  Thrills my heart.  We don't intend to raise you to like the TV and electronics but prefer to do alternative things instead. 
  • You know sounds of a sheep, puppy, duck, and bird.  You can point to the others but can't say them yet. 
  • You can say pink and yellow and purple.
  • You can say bubbles.
  • You love bathtime still!  You would play in there all night if we would let you!
  • You built your first tower with blocks by yourself.  You stacked all 12 blocks together on your own.  I was amazed because they are not the chunky blocks.
  • One of your new favorite toys is your doctors kit.  You love walking around giving shots and checking peoples hearts.  You say "ba boom."  Too cute!
  • You love playing with all toys from Christmas.  I give you a new basket of toys every day.
  • You LOVE to read.  You bring me books all day from the time your feet hit the floor and say "re re." 
  • You have begun liking to watch Sesame Street.  You'll watch about 10 minutes straight and then you just check the TV occassionally to see what's going on. 

We love watching you grow and learn.  You amaze us at all you do know and learn every day.  We adore you, cannot imagine life without you.  You are the apple of our eye, our reason to get up and live each day.

We love you our princess!
Mommy and Daddy

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