Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve 2011

Today was your first Christmas Eve.  Since we are leaving for Walhalla tonight, your Daddy and I got up early to celebrate Christmas with just us and you.  Santa of course came last night!!  I know you don't know anything that's going on, but we have had so much fun today with you!  Your Daddy and I decided to each by you a present.  He picked out his present and I picked out mine and then he opened your present from me and I opened your present from him. 

Present from Daddy (left) and Mommy (right)

Daddy got you a lady bug pillow pet!  We call you our doodlebug and this was the closest thing he could find!

Mommy got you your first cabbage patch doll and she's named after you!

Daddy's first Daddy ornament!

Mommy's presents from you and Daddy!

Favorite present you got me!!

Daddy's presents from you and mommy!

Your presents from us!  And you'll have to wait to see what Santa brings!
After we got finished with presents, we cooked breakfast together and then got the car loaded up to travel to Walhalla tonight.  We then went to your Nana and Papas to have Christmas with them and Aunt Kati. 

 We had dinner with Nana, Papa, and Aunt Kati, opened presents and enjoyed the afternoon together.  We took you home around 8:30 for your bath, fixed you a bottle and got on the road around 9 for Walhalla.  You were asleep within minutes of being on the road and slept most of the way! 

We had a wonderful first Christmas Eve with you!!  We cannot wait for you to be excited about Christmas Eve in years to come!  Santa will definitely be spoiling you rotten!  We love you our princess!

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