Friday, September 30, 2011

Three Weeks Old--September 30, 2011

Three Weeks Old
September 30, 2011

Welcome into your third week of life our princess!  My oh my how much you've grown in 3 weeks!  This wee was our first week out of our old house.  We officially moved last Saturday morning.  We got the last couch, TV and our bedroom set out and we are now living with your Nana and Papa.  We have over taken your Aunt Kati's room as well.  You are still sleeping most of the day.  You LOVE your swing and bouncy seat still, however, I still prefer to hold you as much as I can!  You are sleeping about 4 hours at a time at night.  Usually you eat around 9pm, get up around 1 and then again around 5:30!  I'd say that's pretty good for 3 weeks old!  We take all our afternoon naps together on the couch or in the chair!  I LOVE snuggling with you!  We started tummy time this week....and you HATE IT!  You scream the whole 2 minutes you're on the floor...which I don't let you stay there that long, but if I did, you'd scream the whole time. Most time, our tummy sessions last about 5 seconds and you're done!  During that time you do great holding your head up but you just don't prefer to be on your stomach!  When you are awake, you are more alert.  You are looking around, although I know things far away are still blurry!  When you're not being held, your favorite position to nap in is with your hands above your head. 

Your Daddy has settled back in at work and is working his hiney off at night on our new house.  Daddy gets home every day around 3:30 and plays with you for about an hour and then goes to work on our new house.  He and your Papa don't get home until around 10 each night from working. It's coming along GREAT!  Things are falling into place very well!   

Here are a few snapshots from this week.  We love you to the moon and back!

The next few pictures are from our last night in our old house! 

Just a little dress up session!

Favorite position to sleep in whe you aren't being held!

About to SCREAM!

Your cute little outfit from your family in Adoha Qatar! Thanks Susan, Scott, Ashlyn and Aaron!

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

First tub bath! September 29, 2011

You've been where you could take a bath since your umbilical chord fell off however, we've been so busy moving and remodeling we haven't had a night at home where your Daddy could help me give you a bath until tonight.  I wanted him to be there the first time you took a bath in your tub.  So tonight, we made it a point for him to come home around bath time at 8:30.  We decided last night that we needed to start establishing a bath time/bed time ritual.  You are on a great day-time schedule, but not that great of a schedule at night.  We've been just bathing you after your last feeding and last night, and you normally go to sleep after your bath but last night, I guess it woke you up too much and you were wide awake.  So tonight, we decided to try bath, eat, bed....and success!  I think this will be our new routine!

You loved your big girl tub!  Your Daddy was taking pictures and forgot to check the setting on the camera....which is why these pictures turned out dark!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Two Weeks Old--September 23, 2011

Two Weeks Old!
September 23, 2011

Whew!  2 weeks old already!  The days are flying by!  I think that's partly because we have been so busy getting to know you, but at the same time, we have been moving, remodeling our new has been HECTIC!  We began our move last Saturday morning.  We had 4 trucks with trailors on the back loaded down.  By noon, everything was out of the house!  Your Daddy left the big TV in the den to watch the Clemson game on, a couch and TV upstairs for PawPaw to sleep on and our bed to sleep in this week.  Everything else is either in the new house, storage or at Nana and Papas. 

After we moved on Saturday, we spent the rest of the week working on the new house...or should I say, I spent my days with YOU!!! playing and cuddling and your Daddy and PawPaw spent their week working like little soldiers on the house!  PawPaw painted during the day and did whatever else needed to be done and Daddy worked and went straight to the house to work after school.  The new house is coming along nicely!!  We were supposed to close on our house this week but the date got pushed back a week.

At night, we all sat on the one couch left in the house up in the bonus room and held you, ate supper, held you some more and then crashed between 8-9 because we were all so tired! 

You are eating better and settling into a nice routine.  You get up about every 3 hours at night, and let me say, that's the best 3 hour sleep....aside from our daily naps together!  You love your bouncy chair and your swing.  Both put you to sleep pretty quickly, although you don't get to experience that very often because I prefer to hold you most of the time!  The biggest event of this week was losing the umbilical cord from your belly!  It finally fell off on September 28!  Now we can take REAL more sponging off! You also had your first real smile this week. Most of the time you smile when you are sleeping, which will be the case for a while, but we did get a little smile out of you while you were awake. 

We are having so much fun watching you grow.  We love you to the moon and back our Princess!

Here's a few snapshots from your second week of life!!
This is how you prefered to watch the Clemson game this week!

Sweet little booties and feet!

You're awake here, just had your eyes closed giggling!

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

2 Week check-up-September 22, 2011

Today we went for your two week check up.  A few days after your first doctors visit, I decided to switch doctors offices.  I wasn't overly pleased with the response I got about you not using the bathroom after a week and I really wanted a doctors office closer than 45 minutes away.  I have been very pleased with this office so far!  So for now, Seashore Pediatrics is your new doctors office.  I've heard several things about them, both good and bad, but I'll wait to form my own judgement.  So far, they have been great!  You were so sweet in the waiting room waiting for your appointment.  We just snuggled while we waited and you had your hands folded in your little angel position! 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Daddy changes his first diaper-September 21, 2011

Your Daddy changed your diaper for the first time tonight.  He was too funny doing so!  He's managed to dodge every dirty diaper since you were born, but tonight,  you got him good!  He did great!

First Smile in your sleep-September 21, 2011

You have smiled a few times in your sleep but I've never had a camera with me to snap a picture or else you are too quick when I do, but today, I managed to capture a slight smile for the camera.  You aren't really smiling a lot when you are awake, I know that will come, and when it does, this little smile will light up the room!  I can't wait!

We love you to the moon and back and all the stars in between!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Daddy's Little Princess

He adores you and you adore him! I know first hand what it's like to be a Daddy's little girl and I'm so excited for you to grow up with the same relationship!