Friday, September 30, 2011

Three Weeks Old--September 30, 2011

Three Weeks Old
September 30, 2011

Welcome into your third week of life our princess!  My oh my how much you've grown in 3 weeks!  This wee was our first week out of our old house.  We officially moved last Saturday morning.  We got the last couch, TV and our bedroom set out and we are now living with your Nana and Papa.  We have over taken your Aunt Kati's room as well.  You are still sleeping most of the day.  You LOVE your swing and bouncy seat still, however, I still prefer to hold you as much as I can!  You are sleeping about 4 hours at a time at night.  Usually you eat around 9pm, get up around 1 and then again around 5:30!  I'd say that's pretty good for 3 weeks old!  We take all our afternoon naps together on the couch or in the chair!  I LOVE snuggling with you!  We started tummy time this week....and you HATE IT!  You scream the whole 2 minutes you're on the floor...which I don't let you stay there that long, but if I did, you'd scream the whole time. Most time, our tummy sessions last about 5 seconds and you're done!  During that time you do great holding your head up but you just don't prefer to be on your stomach!  When you are awake, you are more alert.  You are looking around, although I know things far away are still blurry!  When you're not being held, your favorite position to nap in is with your hands above your head. 

Your Daddy has settled back in at work and is working his hiney off at night on our new house.  Daddy gets home every day around 3:30 and plays with you for about an hour and then goes to work on our new house.  He and your Papa don't get home until around 10 each night from working. It's coming along GREAT!  Things are falling into place very well!   

Here are a few snapshots from this week.  We love you to the moon and back!

The next few pictures are from our last night in our old house! 

Just a little dress up session!

Favorite position to sleep in whe you aren't being held!

About to SCREAM!

Your cute little outfit from your family in Adoha Qatar! Thanks Susan, Scott, Ashlyn and Aaron!

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