Sunday, September 11, 2011

Coming Home--September 11, 2011

Coming Home! 
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Today was an exciting day for us! We woke up this morning with the aniticipation that we would FINALLY get to come home!  Being cooped up in a hospital for 2 days is not fun! We have enjoyed getting to spend a lot of time with you by ourselves the past few days but we are ready to be in our own bed and for you to get to see your new house....even though it's only for a week!  Dr. Nelson came around this morning and released me to go and then your nurses came around and released you.  I had to attend a going home class and then Daddy and I had to watch 2 videos on SIDS and Infant CPR before we could leave!  It was after lunch before we finally got to go home!
We got you loaded in the car and off we came!  You were so tiny in your car seat!  You slept all the way home!  When we arrived, the first thing we noticed was a stork in the yard with a pink bow on it!  Your grandparents (Cak, PawPaw, Nana and Papa) had purchased it for us!  Your Daddy had mentioned several times before you were born that he wanted one and so they surprised us! 
We got you unloaded, all our bags unloaded and introduced you to your new home! Your fur-sisters, Lulu and Elsa were the first to meet you!  They really didn't know what to think of you!  Elsa didn't pay much attention to you, but Lulu couldn't understand why you would move and if you made a noise she didn't know what to do!  I hope you grow to love animals as much as I do! 
We got the bags unloaded and settled in to life as a new family!  Paw Paw and Cak enjoyed holding you and getting to know you today!  Nana wasn't able to come over because she was sick.  Papa came over for a few minutes to bring food later in the afternoon.
I have to say, our first night at home was a little overwhelming!  We got you a bath and into your pj's.  I was so excited to finally dress you in something other than the hospital outfits they made you wear! 
You were still having trouble learning to nurse, my milk hadn't come in yet, so we were a little on edge!  Aunt Meghan came over to try to help me get you to do better eating.  Cak tried to help, but I think I was just so tired and drained physically and emotionally it just wasn't happening!  I spent most of my night crying for you to eat and you spent most of your night crying because you were hungry.  You are a lazy eater....meaning, it doesn't come quick enough for you and you aren't going to try hard to get it!  Eventually we were just so exhausted we gave up for the night and went to bed! 

We are beyond thrilled to have you home with us!  We are so excited about our new little family! We cannot take our eyes off of you and want to capture every moment of being with you!  We anticipated you being here for 9 months and you are our dream come true!  We love you to the moon and back and then some baby girl!  
Getting ready to leave hospital!

Stork in the yard to let everyone know you had arrived! Complements of your 4 grandparents!

Daddy pulling in the garage!

Pulling in the garage!

Getting you out of your carseat! You were so little in it!

SOOO precious!

Getting out of the car!

First family photo at home!

Happy about finally coming home!

Bags are packed!

Coming Home outfit!

Daddy changing your last hopsital diaper!

Mommy getting you ready!

Mommy and you getting wheeled to the car!

Getting ready to put you in the car!

Family shot after we arrived home!

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